Saturday, October 3, 2020

How to Choose The Right Conversion Rate Optimization Agency

Did you recently find out that your conversions are low compared to the industry average?

If that’s the case, then you need to hire a Conversion Rate Optimization Agency that can help you fix this issue.

Today we’ll go over everything you need to be aware of before hiring the right agency for your business.

First of all, you should…

Know Your Goals and Desired Outcomes

You are about to hire a CRO Agency and there are countless Conversion Rate Optimization companies out there.

In order to choose the one that will suit your exact situation, you’ll need to ask yourself what do you need?

Because many times these agencies specialize in multiple marketing skills such as SEO, Business Strategy, SMM, Consulting, Pay Per Click, A/B testing, Funnel Optimization, Consulting, etc.

Your best approach is to find out the exact things you need help with and then hire the agency that specializes in those 2 or 3 desired services.

Again, you want to build a strong, long-term relationship with this company.

So don’t treat your choice today lightly. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What part of my business is stuck right now?
  • What can I add so I get to more traffic (paid or organic)?
  • What do my followers say, what do I miss on?
  • What is the one most profitable activity I can focus on right now?

These are all extremely important questions.

If there is a part of your business that feels stuck, then you need help there.

If your traffic lacks, then you need more so you can focus on converting the new traffic as well.

Always look in the comments of your Articles, Youtube Videos, Facebook and Instagram Posts, and ads.

Your followers share gold there. You just have to be active enough to collect the most valuable information and put it into action quickly.

And also think about the business you’re running.

For example, if you’re an E-commerce store that is not using Email Marketing, you’re missing out on a lot of conversions.

That means Email Marketing would be your most profitable activity at the moment.

Be specific and honest with your answers so you can choose the CRO Agency that’s going to generate results for your business in the future.

3 Characteristics That Make a Great CRO Agency

In the process of choosing the best CRO Agency, you’ll probably find yourself visiting a couple of different websites.

For that reason, you need to know what to look for before initiating the next step.

So here are the 3 characteristics to look for before you go into a partnership with a CRO agency.

#1 Dedicated Services

As mentioned previously, the best practice is to hire a marketing agency that specializes mainly in the skills you need right now.

The thing is that most agencies focus on many services all at once. 

For example here at Neil Patel Digital, we focus specifically on SEO, CRO, SMM, and Paid Advertising.

That helps us maximize our clients’ results by using the best strategies that work right now.

When choosing your winner today,  you should clearly see how these services can help your business now or in the near future.

#2 Budget and Pricing

You should NOT enroll in a long-term partnership with a marketing agency if you can’t afford them.

A good rule here is to see if you can pay 3 months of services upfront.

You must NOT try to pay off the services from the profits they generate for you.

Investing in a good marketing agency can be extremely profitable but don’t expect to double your profits from day one.

So be careful because the agency that charges $20,000/month is not always the best choice for your situation.

#3 Communication Skills

You are running a business so things change fast.

Roadblocks are inevitable and that’s the reason why you need to hire an agency that updates you with occasional data reports.

And more importantly anytime you have a question, they come and help you understand what’s going on.

The best marketing agencies don’t just use the same offer for everyone.

If they just slapped a general offer on their website, they are probably not your best choice.

The best way to ensure you get what you want is to schedule a call where a professional goes over your current situation and comes up with the best strategy that’s going to work for YOU.

How to Work With a CRO Agency

You’ll need this section if it’s your first time working with a marketing agency or you’ve tried it before but it didn’t work quite as you expected.

You’re here because you need to convert more of your traffic into active followers and customers for your products and services.

And Conversion Rate Optimization is not a walk in the park.

You need a real professionals that know what works in today’s fast-paced world.

Because everyone can give you random suggestions on what you can optimize or which color to use for you button.

But you don’t need suggestions… You need results!

That’s why when starting your partnership you need to set up some ground rules.

Ask your agency what they normally do with similar clients but it’s essential to not get sucked up in their explanations and…

Demand What You Need

If they can’t provide it then they’re not your best choice.

Before jumping on a call with them, first clear out exactly what you need using the questions I shared with you at the beginning of this post.

Write them down and stick to them. But don’t block their ideas. It’s always possible that you have a blindspot about the situation of your business.

So ask for the professional’s opinion so you can create the best strategy together.

Don’t Make Exceptions

Keep in mind you’re working with a professional agency that helps dozens of clients each month.

If they are the best, they’ll follow monthly reports and pre-set deadlines.

Always agree on what needs to be done in the next week/month and check if they did it.

Keep a close eye on the most important part of the project daily. Of course, that would be your Conversion Rates.

Make sure you have a reliable way of measuring it so you see the real-time results the agency generates for your business.

Work With Them

It takes two people for a positive relationship. 

The right agency will need access to different accounts and analytics to generate the best results possible.

But they’ll also need ongoing updates from you as well. 

What interesting thing you noticed last week, what you think should be modified this week, etc.

Be open about your thoughts so you can achieve your goals as quickly as you can.

How to Find The Right CRO Agency For You

After reading this post, you should already know what you need, what makes a great CRO Company, and how to build a positive result-generating relationship with a professional CRO Agency.

And if you’re jumping into optimizing your conversions, I hope you have an existing reliable traffic source. 

Because conversion rate optimization is useless if people don’t go through your funnel.

But if you do have a trustworthy source of traffic such as SEO or paid ads then CRO is something you should focus on.

We prepared a whole post going over the best CRO Companies of 2020 where we share some more tips on how to choose the perfect fit for you.

Here’s a summary of that list so you can make the right decision right now:

The 8 Top CRO Agencies in the World

#1 Neil Patel Digital — Best For SEO + CRO

Neil Patel Digital is the best Marketing Agency if you’re looking to optimize your organic traffic and convert it into paying customers.

If you’ve been following this blog for a while now, I’d guess you’re running a blog of your own.

If that’s the case you need the best SEO practices in order to outgrow your competitors.

And given that this blog is ranked for every marketing term you can think of, Neil Patel Digital is the best choice for you.

For Conversion Rate Optimization we use the most relevant tools and strategies that fit with the current marketing trends.

That has helped us get outstanding results for our clients.

So if you want to get more organic traffic and convert it using the most profitable strategies in the world…

Just schedule a call with a professional that will help you achieve all your goals.

#2 Trinity — Best For E-commerce Conversions

Trinity is a well-known CRO company that focuses on helping businesses in the E-commerce space.

If your store’s conversions have dropped lately, then you should look at Trinity’s services.

Their fees are premium but if you’re at a point in your business that you can afford their services, they’re most likely going to generate great results for you.

#3 WebMechanix — Best For All-In-One Services

Very often when you focus on one part of your business, soon you find out five other parts have collapsed in the background.

That’s completely normal when you’re trying to scale your business.

WebMechanix is one of the little agencies that can help you with everything all at once.

That doesn’t mean the results would be optimal but they have separate teams that can help you with everything from paid advertising and organic traffic to building an optimized funnel that converts.

So if you think your whole marketing strategy is falling apart, then you should contact WebMechanix.

#4 SiteTuners — Best For Small to Medium Businesses

SiteTunners is another great agency that you can trust if you’re in the early stages of your business development.

They are well-known for helping start-ups optimize their conversions for optimal scaling purposes.

For almost 20 years now, they’ve been helping the new stars in business shine brighter and brighter.

So if you’re in the beginning stages of growing your online presence, you can trust SiteTuners and their services.

#5 Invesp — Best For Dedicated CRO

If you think that every part of your business but the CRO is optimized, then you should look at what the Invesp team has to offer.

Of course, with their one hundred percent dedication towards CRO, their prices have been rising more and more.

If you’re at the point where you can afford to pay $150-199 / hour for CRO optimization, you should look at Invesp’s services.

#6 Inflow — Affordable Multi-Service E-commerce Option

Inflow is one of the little marketing agencies that give you direct access to the marketing experts that work on your project.

They help mainly E-commerce stores skyrocket their conversions.

It’s a great choice if you like working with freelancers who specialize in the services you need.

#7 Conversion Fanatics — Best For CRO + SMM

Conversion Fanatics is a marketing agency focusing directly on growing your social media presence.

Once you start getting traffic, they optimize your landing pages for traffic coming specifically from the social media they optimized earlier.

So if you think your social media marketing can use some help together with your CRO, then contact Conversion Fanatics and explore more of their options.

#8 Linear Design — Best For PPC + CRO

If you completed the questionnaire at the beginning of this post and found out you need to focus on driving more paid traffic together with optimizing your landing pages, then Linear Design would be a good choice for you.

Having access to your paid ads helps them optimize your funnel’s conversion rate optimally.

But keep in mind that you’re paying them and paying for ads.

If you choose this combination, you should be very careful with your budget and the results that come from it.

To sum up:

First, you need to clear your mind on what exactly do you need from a marketing agency.

Then you should find the agency that specializes in these 1-3 services and make sure they have great communication skills and also fit your budget.

Always start with a call where a professional can assess your situation and come up with the best strategy for your business.

Have you ever worked with one of the agencies listed above? Do you have more valuable tips for choosing the right agency? Share them in the comments below:

The post How to Choose The Right Conversion Rate Optimization Agency appeared first on Neil Patel.

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